Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Did Abraham Lincoln Free The Slaves Essays - Penology,

Did Abraham Lincoln Free The Slaves? Is capital punishment wrong? In my opinion capital punishment is wrong. The death penalty is the center of much debate in society. This is due, in part, to the fact that people see only the act of killing a criminal, and not the social effects the death penalty has on society as a whole. Upon reading about the death penalty, it was found to be an unethical practice. It promotes a violent and inhumane society in which killing is considered okay. Since there are alternatives, the death penalty should be abolished. Some people believe capital punishment to be cruel and unusual. Others believe that a person who kills, should themselves be killed. This statement alone raises the question, How should they be killed? The question that should really be asked is, Should we kill at all? Would it be morally correct to kill someone just because they have killed someone else? In 1972, capital punishment (in any form) was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States. The decision was reversed in 1976, when new methods of execution were introduced. These new methods included death by lethal injection. Does this mean that it is okay to kill as long as we use a method that is not considered cruel or unusual by society? The death penalty is considered the harshest form of punishment enforced today. Once a jury has convicted a criminal, they go to the second part of the trial, the punishment phase. If the jury recommends the death penalty and the judge agrees that this punishment is deserving of the crime, the criminal will face some form of execution. Contrary to popular belief, the electric chair is not the most common way of executing somebody. Death by lethal injection accounts for the majority of the executions today. Among the arguments employed have been deterrence, cost, retribution, rehabilitation, uncertainty, social defense, and whether or not punishment by death is cruel and unusual. Retribution is a popular term when discussing the death penalty. This is a term which brings both sides of the death penalty argument together. Both the retentionists and the abolitionists agree that the notion of imposing the death penalty because the wrongdoer deserves it leaves an uneasy feeling with lawmakers and community leaders. This creates an image in society where a punishment is based on what a jury feels a criminal deserves as opposed to what is best for society. Retribution plays an important role for the friends and families of murder victims. They want the murderer to lose his/her life just as he/she took the life of someone they loved. Unfortunately, this is not always the best solution. If the crime was committed in the heat of the moment, perhaps due a momentary lapse of insanity, then there i s a likely chance that the criminal can be rehabilitated. Why waste a life? Appeal trials leads to the next issue surrounding the death penalty, uncertainty. Putting a convicted criminal in jail is not a permanent action. They can always be set free if they are later found to be innocent. However, when a convicted criminal is killed, it is very unlikely that they will be able to be brought back if they are later found to be innocent. This bothers the legal community, as well as the families of the accused. When discussing whether or not a punishment fits a given crime, one must look at the punishment's effects not only on the criminal, but also society as a whole. Many studies on the effects of the death penalty have shown that capital punishment creates a false sense of security within a community. People feel better knowing that the death penalty is always an option for a severe crime, whether or not the punishment is actually used. The principles of retribution suggest that a murderer should be executed because he or she deserves or has earned the sentence of death. Those who base their opposition to the death penalty on moral grounds argue that life is sacred and killing is always wrong, whether it is done by an individual or by the state. In addition, people have questioned whether we as individuals

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Theory of Ritualism by Robert Merton

Theory of Ritualism by Robert Merton Ritualism is a concept developed by American sociologist Robert K. Merton as a part of his structural strain theory. It refers to the common practice of going through the motions of daily life even though one does not accept the goals or values that align with those practices. Ritualism as a Response to Structural Strain Merton, an important figure in early American sociology, created what is considered to be one of the most important theories of deviance within the discipline. Mertons structural strain theory states that people experience tension when a society does not provide adequate and approved means for achieving culturally valued goals. In Mertons view, people either accept these conditions and go along with them, or they challenge them in some way, which means they think or act in ways that appear deviant from cultural norms. Structural strain theory accounts for five responses to such strain, of which ritualism is one. Other responses include conformity, which involves continual acceptance of the goals of the society and continued participation in the approved means through which one is supposed to achieve them. Innovation involves accepting the goals but rejecting the means and creating new means. Retreatism refers to rejection of both the goals and the means, and rebellion occurs when individuals reject both and then create new goals and means to pursue. According to Mertons theory, ritualism occurs when a person rejects the normative goals of their society but nonetheless continues to participate in the means of attaining them. This response involves deviance in the form of rejecting the normative goals of society but is not deviant in practice because the person continues to act in a way that is in line with pursuing those goals. One common example of ritualism is when people do not embrace the goal of getting ahead in society by doing well in ones career and earning as much money as possible. Many have often thought of this as the American Dream, as did Merton when he created his theory of structural strain. In contemporary American society, many have become aware that stark economic inequality is the norm, that most people do not actually experience social mobility in their lives, and that most money is made and controlled by a very tiny minority of wealthy individuals. Those who see and understand this economic aspect of reality, and those who simply do not value economic success but frame success in other ways, will reject the goal of climbing the economic ladder. Yet, most will still engage in the behaviors that are meant to achieve this goal. Most will spend most of their time at work, away from their families and friends, and may even still attempt to gain status and increased salary within their professions, despite the fact that they reject the end goal. They go through the motions of what is expected perhaps because they know that it is normal and expected, because they do not know what else to do with themselves, or because they have no hope or expectation of change within society. Ultimately, though ritualism stems from discontent with the values and goals of society, it works to maintain the status quo by keeping normal, everyday practices and behaviors in place. If you think about it for a moment, there are probably at least a few ways in which you engage in ritualism in your life. Other Forms of Ritualism The form of ritualism that Merton described in his structural strain theory describes behavior among individuals, but sociologists have identified other forms of ritualism too. For example, sociologists also recognize political ritualism, which occurs when people participate in a political system by voting despite the fact that they believe that the system is broken and cannot actually achieve its goals. Ritualism is common within bureaucracies, wherein rigid rules and practices are observed by members of the organization, even though doing so is often counter to their goals. Sociologists call this bureaucratic ritualism.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contract management and contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Contract management and contract law - Essay Example In a capitalist world, the law of contract essentially forms a major portion of the society we live in. It is the realm of deliberate agreement and collaboration, to be more specific, contract deals with the activities like exchange and bargain. The purpose of the act of Contracts is to create possibilities, or to assist this action. It helps two or more parties in the function of arranging for the future plans by shielding the anticipations that take place from the process of bargaining. In the process of forming a contract the parties require a lawfulstructure which will provide them with a conventional, consistent, steadyfoundation for theconcealedcategorization of their affairs. Agreements between two or more parties turn into a contract with the intervention of law. A legal contract comprises of five essential elements without which the contract is referred to as invalid. In the following sections we will discuss the various scenarios related to the benefit of the procuring part y as well as we will discuss about the Sale of Goods Act, INCOTERMS and the transfer of risk to the supplier from the viewpoint of the UK Contract Act. Answer 1 The procurement process in my organization must make sure that the five vital tenets of contract are met while entering into a contract with other parties. The five tenets of contract are- 1. Offer- Offer and acceptance are the essential elements of a contract. Before going in depth of the definition of offer and acceptance, let us first recognize the parties involved in the framework of offer and acceptance. ... The five tenets of contract are- 1. Offer- Offer and acceptance are the essential elements of a contract. Before going in depth of the definition of offer and acceptance, let us first recognize the parties involved in the framework of offer and acceptance. The structure of offer and acceptance involves an offeror who puts forth the offer and an offeree, to whom the offer has been made by the offeror. Thus now we can look at the definition of the offer and acceptance framework, which states that an offer is a statement or proposal by an offeror to an offeree with an intention to make lawful relations. An offer cannot be considered simply as an incitement to negotiate or bargain. To make the communication effectual and complete, the offer must be received and accepted by the offeree. In a buying and selling contract, to make an offer legitimate, the following aspects must be clearly defined: Who is the offeror? Who is the offeree? What is the consideration? What is the area under discu ssion of the offer? How many central themes does the offer entail (quantity)? Any communication would be considered as an offer if it signifies the expression on which the person making the offer is ready to create a contract (like setting the price of a product intended to be sold), and provides a clear hint that the offeror wishes to abide by the terms if those are acknowledged by the offeree. Offer can also be made to the general public, for example a marketer offering discount to the people visiting his shop. This kind of offer is generally known as unilateral offer where the offer is addressed to a large number of people and their actions indicate their acceptance of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Answers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Answers - Assignment Example A manager can get a third party to ensure documents are cleared on time I worked for a particular company where, the manager did not take measures in indiscipline cases as time keeping, and most employees came to work drunk. The behaviors led to the closure of the company as a manager did not take considerable measures on his employees. HRIS system tracks down and records accurate information about an employee, which can cause overload, as a result, a company cannot handle payroll in-house as it is time consuming, which negatively affects the performance to the employee. An organization may hire a third party to handle payroll on company’s behalf and improve employees performance (Ray and Rajesh 286). An automated payroll ascertains that the company manages its payroll processes more effectively. It may be a difficult task for an expanding organization to keep track of the payroll by hand. The system ensures the company’s compliance with state regulations and laws as it automatically deducts services such as, taxes and insurance benefits, which secure the employees (Ray and Rajesh

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Business Strategic Plan and Presentation Essay Example for Free

Business Strategic Plan and Presentation Essay Resources: Vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecards, and communication plan Write a 700- to 1,050-word section for your strategic plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your strategic objectives, measures, and targets. Include marketing and information technology strategies and tactics. Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally. Finally, recommend actions needed to address ethical, legal, and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and how they can improve corporate citizenship. Combine your completed strategic plan. This includes the vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecard, and communication plan. Your consolidated final strategic plan should be 2,800 to 4,200 words in length. Prepare three to five Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® slides in which you briefly outline the vision, mission, values, and balanced scorecard that you have developed for your business. For More Homework Goto

Friday, November 15, 2019

Introduction Theoretical Theories Of Investment Economics Essay

Introduction Theoretical Theories Of Investment Economics Essay Investment is a strategic variable in the determination of the level and growth of income. It has been defined in various ways by various economists. Generally, it refers to any act of spending with a prospective yield. To the economist, it refers precisely to the process of capital formation whereby there is net addition to the existing assets including inventories and goods in the pipeline of production. It is the actual production of capital equipment, tools and other produced means of production. Investment might be capital formation: Financial Capital and Physical or real capital. There are gross, net and autonomous investments where: Gross Investment= Net Investment + Autonomous Investment Autonomous Investment also known as Government Investment refers to investment which remains the same whatever the level of income. It refers mainly to the investment made on houses, roads, public buildings and other parts of Infrastructure made by the government. Moreover Gross investment is the amount that a company has invested on an asset or business without taking factoring in depreciation into consideration. In other words it is the total amount of money spent for the creation of new capital assets like Plant and Machinery, Factory Building etc. It is the total expenditure made on new capital assets in a period. Furthermore in economics, Net Investment refers to an activity of spending which will cause an increase in the availability of fixed capital goods or means of production. It is the total spending on new fixed investment minus replacement investment, which simply replaces depreciated capital goods. In fact it is Gross investment less Capital Consumption during a period of time. Private Investment depends on various categories of variables. So various theories of investment have been presented and they are provided overleaf:- Fisher Theory of Investment This theory was developed in 1930. Fishers theory was originally developed as a theory of capital, but as he assumes that all capital is circulating, then it is just as proper to conceive of it as a theory of investment. It was provided by Fisher that during the production process, all capital is used up, such that a stock of capital K did not exist. In fact all capital is just investment. There was a condition imposed by Fisher stating that Investment in any given period of time will yield outputs in the nest period. This is illustrated through the equation below: Y2=F [N,I1] Y2 = Output in period 2 I1 = Investment done in period 1 N = labor Assuming a world with only two periods of time, t=1, 2. Investment done in period 1 yields output in period 2. Moreover Fisher assumes that labor is constant Keynesian Theory The Keynesian theory was developed after that John Maynard Keynes (1936) followed suit of the Fisher theory. Keynes stated that there is an independent investment function in the economy. An important aspect of the Keynesian theory is that although savings and investment must be identical, ex-post savings and investment decisions are made by different decision makers and there is reason why ex-ante savings should equal ex-ante investment. According to Trygve Haavelmo (1960) The Keynesian approach places far less emphasis on the adjustment nature of investment. Instead, they tend to have a more behavioral take on the investment decision. Namely, the Keynesian approach argues that investment is simply what capitalists do. Every period, workers consume and capitalists invest as a matter of course. They believe that the main decision is the investment decision; the capital stock just follows from the investment patterns rather than being an important thing that needs to be optimally deci ded Accelerator Principle Theory Over the past two decades, the acceleration principle has played a vital role in the theory of Investment. In fact, this theory was developed before the Keynesian theory; however it became apparent after Keynes investment theory in the twentieth century. The accelerator is generally associated with the name of J.M Clark though it seems to have been first developed by the French economist Albert Aftalion. The basis of the accelerator principle is based on the fact that changes in factors affecting national income would affect investment. In other words, big percentages changes are witnessed due to small in consumer spending. This type of investment is known as induced investment since; it is induced by changes in consumption and income. Furthermore, the accelerator is just the numerical value of the relationship between the increases in investment caused by an increase in income. Normally, it will be positive when national income increases. On the other hand, it might fall to zero if the national output or income remains costant. Neo-Classical Theory In 1971, the neoclassical approach which is a version of the flexible accelerator model was formulated by Jorgenson and others. Flexible Accelerator Model is a more general form of the accelerator model. It is assumed that firms will choose only a fraction, a, of the gap between desired and current actual level of capital stock each period. The larger the gap between the desired capital stock and the actual capital stock, the greater a firms rate of investment. This is illustrated below: I = a [K* -K-1] I = planned net investment during period t K* = desired level of capital stock K-1 = current actual level of capital stock at beginning of period t (end of period t-1) a = adjustment factor, 0 The desired capital stock is proportional to output and the investors cost of capital which in turn depends on the price of capital goods, the real rate of interest, the rate of depreciation and the tax structure. It is important to note that most recent empirical works are based on Jorgenson investment function. In fact Jorgenson provides that a decrease in interest rate would cause an increase in investment by reducing the cost of capital. In 1967, Hall and Jorgenson provide the Hall Jorgenson Model of Investment. The model illustrates that the level of capital stock that is chosen by an optimizing firm depend on various economic features like the production function, depreciation rates, taxes, interest rates. In fact Hall and Jorgenson had used the neoclassical theory of optimal capital accumulation to analyze the relationship between tax policy and investment expenditures. They concluded that tax policy is very effective in changing the level and timing on Investment expenditures. Q theory of Investment The Q theory of Investment, introduced by Tobin (1969) is a popularly accepted theory of real investment. In fact it is a basic tool used for financial market analysis.It is a positive function of Qwhich can be defined as the ratio of the market value of the existing capital to the replacement cost of capital. Q can be defined as follows: Q=Stock Value of Firm/Replacement cost of Investment Q is a barometer for investors as it tends to assess a firms prospect. When Q is greater than one, the firm would make additional investment because the profits generated would be greater than the cost of firms assets. If Q is less than one, the firm would be better off selling its assets instead of trying to put them to use as the firms value is less than what it cost to reproduce their capital. The ideal state is where Q is approximately equal to one denoting that the firm is in equilibrium. The Q theory of investment can also depend on adjustment cost. Literature on this issue was done by Eisner and Strotz (1963), Lucas (1967), Gould (19678) and Tredway (1969). Later Mussa (1977), Abel (1979, 1982) and Yoshikawa (1980) showed that Investment is an increasing function of the shadow price of installed capital. This is such only when there are convex adjustment costs. Marginal Q Model of Investment Moreover Abel (1981) and Hayaski (1982) introduced the marginal q model associated with smooth convex costs of adjustments. They assume that capital market are perfect, such that investment is undertake until the marginal value of an additional unit of investment has decreased to the exact value of the riskless interest rate. Abel (1981) describes marginal q as The optimal rate of Investment is an increasing function of the slope of the value function with respect to the capital stock (marginal q). Abe; states that an increase in any factors that affect price can cause an increase, a decrease or even do not affect investment rate. The effect will depend on the covariance sign of the price with a weighted average of all prices. Hayaski (1982) provides that under linear homogeneity, marginal q is equal to average q. However when marginal q is not equal to average q, it is marginal q which is relevant for investment. In fact marginal q is just a stochastic version of the Q theory of Inv estment. Neo-Classical theory and Q theory of Investment (Panageas 2005) According to Stravos Panageas (2005), the neoclassical theory provides that Investment and the stock market are linked through the Tobin q. This is because the net present value of the company is the value of the company, so when the stock market is rising, there should be an increase in Investment to equate the Q ratio. This involves speculation. Panageas (2005) states that If firms maximizes share prices, then Investment reacts to speculate overpricing. However he also provides that when investment is controlled by shareholders, who do not have perfect access to the market, the link between investment and speculation will not hold. There might be costs to access the market like capital gains taxes, price pressure etc. The model used by Panageas also aid to distinguish between rational and behavioural theories of asset pricing anomalies. Models associated with non-convex costs There are also models with Non-convex costs of adjustments. King and Thomas (2006) states Non-convex adjustment costs imply distributed lags in aggregate series similar to those generated by convex costs, because they stagger the lumpy adjustments undertaken by individual firms in response to shocks. These non- convex costs is linked with the investment theory. A number of influential partial equilibrium studies (Caballero and Engel, 1999; Cooper, Haltiwanger and Power, 1999; Caballero, Engel and Haltiwanger, 1995) have showed that these investments models cause great changes in investment demand following large aggregate shocks. Theories of Interest Rate There is a vast spectrum of interest rate at a given period of time in a country. The interest rate will depend on several variables such as nature of loans, duration of loans, credit worthiness of borrower, hire purchase agreements. When those variables are held constant, the rate of interest or pure interest rate is obtained. The most common theories used to explain interest rate determinations are the Loanable Funds Theory (Neo Classical) and the Liquidity Preference Theory (Keynesian Theory). Furthermore the ISLM model is held for a fully integrated approach. Loanable Funds Theory/ Neo Classical Theory We will first consider the Loanable funds theory which is also known as the neo classical theory of interest. It was developed by the Swedish economist Knot Wickshell (1851-1926). The rate of interest is obtained through the demand and supply of loans in the credit market. The demand for loan is mainly to invest, to consume and to hoard. Traditionally the demand curve will slope downward because a fall in interest rate will attract borrowings. The supply of loans comes from 4 important sources. These are saving, bank money, dishoarding and disinvestment. The supply curve will be upward sloping since a higher rate of interest will induce these sources to supply more loans. So according to the Loanable funds theory, the rate of interest will be determined where these two curves intersect. This is shown below: Rate of interest SL R1 Q1 DL Figure 1.1 Loanable Funds According to figure 1.1, the equilibrium rate will be R1 and Q1 will be the amount of loan that are demanded and supplied. Interest rate either above or below the equilibrium rate will be restored to the equilibrium rate through upward and downward pressure. Changes in the demand and supply of loan will alter interest rate. For example, technological changes might increase the demand for loanable funds. So according to this theory, the rate of interest is the price that equate the demand for and the supply of loanable funds. Liquidity Preference Theory/Keynesian Theory The Liquidity Preference Theory was developed by Keynes. Keynes described interest rate as a purely monetary phenomenon which is determined by the demand and supply of money. Keynes identified 3 reasons why people would prefer liquidity rather that assets. These are: Transactions demand for money The transaction demand is the demand to hold money in order to meet day to day transactions. The amount of cash which the individual will keep in his possession will depend on his size of his personal income and the length of time between his pay days. Precautionary demand for money The precautionary demand is the demand to hold money in order to meet unforeseen events such as illness, being unemployed. The amount of money that the individual will hold for precautionary motives will depend on the individuals condition, economic and political conditions which he lives. The size of his income, nature of the person and foresightedness will also affects the precautionary motives of a person. Speculative demand for money Speculative demand is the demand to hold money as oppose to the holding of bonds. There is an inverse relationship between bonds and the rate of interest. When the price of bond tends to rise, rate of interest will fall due to the inverse relationship, so people will be buying bonds to sell them later when the price actually rises. However when bond prices are expected to fall leading to a rise in the rate of interest, people will sell bonds to avoid losses. According to Keynes, when the interest rate is high, speculative demand for money will be low and vice versa. The supply of money is the amount of money in circulation at a specified time period. It is the central bank which will be determining the supply of money. It is fixed at any given period of time. According to the Liquidity Preference theory, the rate of interest is determined where these two curves intersect as illustrated below: R1 Liquidity Preference (LP) Quantity of money Q1 Q2 S2 Rate of Interest S1 R2 Figure 1.2 As illustrated by figure 1.2, the money supply is represented by S1Q1 along the LP function. The rate of interest will be R1 where the supply of money intersects the LP function. If there is an increase in the money supply to S2Q2, there will be an excess in the supply of money causing people to adjust their demand portfolio by purchasing bonds. The price of bonds will rise leading to a fall in interest rate to R2. Investment/Saving-Liquidity Preference/Money supply (IS-LM) Model The previous two theories does not take into consideration in changes in national income to affect the rate of interest. The IS-LM model is used to arrive at a determinate solution. In fact it is part of the Keynesian theory. In the IS-LM model, interest rate is the only determinant of investment. The IS-LM model assumes that a higher interest rate will result in lower investment and vice versa. In this model interest rate will change due to changes in factors like business activity, credit creation by a bank, confidence, the level of national debt, inflows of funds and even international forces. Keynes provided the investment schedule where interest rate is the only primary determinant of investment. The schedule shows the amount of investment that firms would carry out at each rate of interest.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

W.E.B. Dubois And Booker T. Washington Fought Against Racism, Slavery, And Improvement Of African American Lives From Different Dimensions

Few today can imagine how human beings could be caught in their villages like fish and be sold like livestock to other human beings. Africans were being shipped to America, be sold as slave to work in their farms. They were condemned because of their skin color – race to slavery, where they were owned by the people who bought them- the American white farmers. Education was never guaranteed to them since they were someone’s property without no (sic) rights (as people in the ghetto say); what an extreme level of discrimination. How would you feel when subjected to such experience? Naturally no one can be pleased.Imagine these blacks were thinking beings with a mind, soul and body! The children of slaves still remained slaves. These were the things that inspired W. E. B Dubois, Booker T. Washington among the people who had an opportunity by the virtue of the influence after education to fight against racism, slavery trying to improve the lives of African Americans. Merriam -Webster’s dictionary defines racism as a prejudice based on the belief that the race is the main determinant of human traits and capacities and those racial differences produce inherent superiority of a particular racial group.Sociologists Noel Cazenave and Darlene Alvarez Maddem put racism as a highly organized system of race based group privilege that operates at a very high level of society and is held together by a subtle ideology of color/ race ‘supremacy’ (Cazenave and Maddem, 1999). In the book, ‘The Souls of Black Soul’ where (the Author -) W. E. B Dubois asserts ‘elevating the self was the key to better life as a black man’ in a debate in way in which a black American must act versus how he wants to act indicates how hard it was to be free even for those who had been freed from slavery.That racism was deep in the minds of the discriminated. W. E. B Dubois and Booker T. Washington lived at the height of racism and slavery in Ame rica. Both managed to get some good education which was a tool for combating the evil of the twentieth century racism. Washington was a credible proponent of educational improvement for the freed men who remained after reconstruction. At that time Booker T. Washington was the most influential leader in America. The two engaged on an intense dialogue about segregation and political disfranchisement Washington had taken a conciliatory direction of fight against racism.He believed in a skillful accommodation during that age of segregation which came to win a title ‘the great accommodator’ from Dubois. On the other hand Dubois led a radicalized fight. While this could have been seen as clash the two dimensions of their struggle came to supplement each other. This is the approach that came to be used by Martin Luther King Jr. in the later years An American newsletter the Review noted that had great power to move men’s hearts and bring them into sympathy with his noble and unselfish aims for lifting up the race. This article carefully shows Bookers’ approach to education and labor.He takes great advantage to explain his point. Booker is a man of Influence; this can be seen from his position and occupation in the society. As a great orator, Washington is quoted saying that the condition for African American in the south will only improve they learn to put brain and skills into his labor. In this respect, Washington argues that this should result to more technologically advanced labor. Their differences in approaches could be attributed to earlier experiences. Biology explains that siemens twins will certainly behave differently when subjected to different environments to grow.Thinking about this hypothesis, One seminal debate between Washington and Dubois played on the pages of Crisis which Washington was advocating a philosophy of self help and vocational training for blacks, while Dubois pressed for full educational opportunities for his race. Dubois believed that the way out was through study especially the liberal arts. Though wining the battle against slavery was difficult because of the constitution, the two leaders managed to bring about the movement that came to win the freedom of the slaves. This greatly reveals the power in combined workforce isn’t it?Together we stand, divided we fall. This is a common saying. Dubois and Booker formed this alliance and through it, many positive progresses were realized. For example, many humanitarian citizens gave them support, and this made the government take appropriate measures towards slave treatment, and laws governing slaves. The alliance similar to the one with William Monroe Trotter another black intellectual at the time help to form the group National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909. Was this not a fruit of the pioneering work of Booker and Dubois?Think about this: how many organizations will have emerged in the next five y ears after this? How many policies will have been implemented as a result of the pressure inserted by these organizations? These will be clear with time! NAACP in its early years concentrated in using courts to overturn the Jim Crow status that legalized racial discrimination . The crisis magazine for the NAACP became the mouth piece for the propaganda war against racism. During the inter war years NAACP fought lynching of the blacks through out the United States by working on legislation, education the public and lobbying.It was after several decades of campaign that brought the reversal of the separate but equal doctrine announced by Supreme Court Plessey versus Ferguson. Later the desegregation of schools and other public facilities through out the country, through the Supreme Court was managed by the NAACP. Washington though criticized by the NAACP who demanded a hard-line stance of the issue of civil rights protests enlisted some moral and substantial financial support from a n umber of philanthropists they helped him fund his causes – supporting institutions of higher education at Hampton and Tuskegee.Looking at the current American social-political scene would W. E. B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington smiled if they resurrected today? As the PBS statement on their website wonders whether the Americans have learnt to embrace diversity, whether character has triumphed color. Almost every day we find people bleaching their skin on order to look beautiful. Race is another factor that has greatly affected the intellectual growth and increase in technology. This has brought in a belief that whites can do better than blacks in various spheres of academia.This is an analysis published by a journal called: Labor and Demographic Economic. Booker T. Outlines the thinking of many whites during his time. Intellectuals and politicians writing to shape public opinion, from both North and South, had turned increasingly hostile toward African Americans. Many magazi nes of the time had a message of white supremacy. In his study of small-town newspapers in the South, Thomas D. Clark found that most papers in the 1880s and 1890s clearly reflected the â€Å"Negro-as-beast† thinking of the time.The editors revealed â€Å"a general fear of the Negro,† whom they often depicted as uncivilized, a â€Å"wild, ignorant animal. This was a real huddle for Washington to manage is it? His approach was revolutionary as will be seen. Washington gave an exposition speech in 1895 in Atlanta. This speech challenged the images then current in white intellectual and cultural presentations of African Americans. He insisted that blacks were a people of â€Å"love and fidelity† to whites, a â€Å"faithful, law-abiding, and unresentful† people.In its larger thrust, the Atlanta speech represented Washington’s attempt to counter the presumption on the part of the white South, and much of the rest of the nation that African Americans ha d declined in character and morality in freedom. The overarching message that Washington intended was not acceptance of disfranchisement and segregation but rather a message of progress, of movement forward and upward. he indeed displayed dedication towards this. In Atlanta, Washington began to offer Americans a new point of view in order to challenge the ideology of white supremacy.This was a great achievement to this selfless Samaritan, as the disciples of Jesus would refer him during their time. Many years after the Atlanta speech, Washington often spoke up for civil and political rights. This is contrary to Professor Harlan’s contention that â€Å"his public utterances were limited to what whites approved† and that Washington’s actions on behalf of civil and political rights were exclusively part of his â€Å"secret life† of arranging court challenges and organizing protests but taking no public part.In fact, in 1896 Washington told the Washington Pos t that forcing blacks â€Å"to ride in a ‘Jim Crow’ car that is far inferior to that used by the white people is a matter that cannot stand much longer against the increasing intelligence and prosperity of the colored people. † Washington had several admirers and many of the se came in handy to help fight this ugly spirit called racism.He had several forums to speak the same message in a speech at a Spanish-American War Peace Jubilee in Chicago before people; Washington asserted that the United States had won all its battles but one, â€Å"the effort to conquer ourselves in the blotting out of racial prejudice. †¦ Until we thus conquer ourselves, I make no empty statement when I say that we shall have, especially in the Southern part of our country, a cancer gnawing at the heart of the Republic that shall one day prove as dangerous as an attack from an army without or within. † Dubois also worked very hard to enforce equality.This spans from the first time he came into public. No one could quench the thirst of seeing both white and black Americans live in total peace and in brotherly love. His major area of concern was education. Being a person of influence, majorly as an educationist come sociologist, Dubois always desired to have equal chance given to people of all races. He was a very practical man. This works well especially with a layman. At one point, Dubois organized a forum whereby he combined the learned and the illiterate citizens. This forum had people attending from cross- cultural background; both blacks and whites.This was meant to work for the common good of all Americans. Comparing the work done by the two civil activists, Booker mainly impacted the people in public forums, while Dubois did a great deal of work in academic institutions like schools and colleges. Currently as Souls would outline turmoil’s caused by color bar and racism, Dubois urged in his speeches that African Americans should choose path of revolt and radicalism (1969) . in another instance, while writing the Souls, Dubois asked a question â€Å" How does it feel to be a problem ? † (1969:44)In answering this question he explains what being an African American means in such a country and the unique challenges faced. In many of his lectures in the university, Dubois developed sessions where he taught about Negroism. He strongly believed that all there suffering was because of ignorance and would be alleviated through class. Dubois’ work was really a long term investment isn’t it? It is a sure fact that by impacting the lives of students, they would in turn spread the message to their local forks! In conclusion, Washington and Dubois were civil rights leaders, educational founders, and writers.They shared a positive relationship with Oberlin College and lectured at the college on a number of separate occasions. They also communicated on a number of occasions. Like Dubois, later in his career Washi ngton fell from the fore of civil rights activism because he was not radical enough for new progressive movements. Dube and Washington accomplished much for our society. They recognized the importance of practical education and pushed the boundaries of their respective segregated societies. In retrospect, both these activists have been charged with conservatism.While they challenged racial injustice, they nonetheless accepted most of the other social constraints that characterized their society. Above all, Washington and Dube, were pragmatic men, and perhaps it is their pragmatism that has led some to question their ultimate impact on the transformation of race relations in their respective nations .References: 1. Booker . T . Washington (1997) On Our Own Terms: Race, Class, and Gender in the Lives of African American Women. New York: Routledge. Pp 26-70.2. Dubois W. E. B, (1969). The souls of black forks. New York: Signet classics Pp23-48.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How does administrative law change bureaucratic behaviour

The Committee presented a plan for an entirely new system of administrative law that rested upon a fresh vision of the role that external review agencies should play in safeguarding the rights of the public regarding executive decision-making. Three Acts were implemented by the Parliament. The Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) (AAT Act) established two bodies – an Administrative Appeals Tribunal to undertake merit review of a general range ofCommonwealth decisions, and an Administrative Review Council to perform a research, advisory and coordination function. The Ombudsman Act 1976 (Cth) established an Ombudsman to investigate complaints of maladministration by Commonwealth government agencies. The Administrative Decisions Oudicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth) conferred upon the newly-created Federal Court a reformed Jurisdiction to undertake Judicial review of Commonwealth decision-making. Purpose of Administrative Law Administrative Law concerns the relationship betwe en the government and the public.It refers to a wide range of controls exercisable by the law over the powers nd procedures of government decision-makers and administrators. It constitutes a means of protecting the rights of the public by making the government decision- makers accountable. With the growth of technology, financial institutions and globalization, society is becoming more complex, the role of government has expanded in terms of regulation and intervention. This has led to a growth in the number of bureaucratic decision makers which in turn led to an expansion in controls over administrative actions to counter balance the power of the decision makers.The Kerr and Bland Committees saw that the purpose of Administrative Law was to rotect citizens against government, when government was growing in size and exercising more administrative authority and discretionary power. It pointed to a posed threats to the rights and liberties of citizens . The view from the Kerr and Blan d Committees is compatible with that of Professor Cane that the Administrative Law can be used to regulate the way the administrators make decisions so that the power will not be misused. How to measure success of the Administrative Law?There are two views about the measurement of success of Administrative Law: (i) The instrumentalist believes the success lies in its impact on behaviour and outcomes, ence the law should bring behaviour and outcomes into conformity with specified value. (it) The non-instrumentalist believes its success lies in its rules and practices. The law could be counted as a success if it clearly, consistently and coherently expressed specified values. The supporters of regulatory approach to Administrative Law are instrumentalists whereas the supporters of legal approach are non-instrumentalists.What are the regulatory and legal approaches to Administrative Law? A regulatory system has three components (i) a set of standards that announce how eople ought to be have; (it) a mechanism for monitoring compliance with those standards; (iii) a mechanism for promoting future compliance. Administrative Law consists of a set of rules and principles about how decisions ought to be made. Individuals affected by the administrative decisions can utilize various tribunals and ombudsmen to review decisions and in turn provide incentive for the decision makers to comply with Administrative Law in future.The regulatory approach focuses on the future rather than the way decision makers behaved in the past. It aims to prevent potential issues by making the decision akers responsible for it. On the contrary, the legal approach presents administrative law to be used by complainants a means to redress past breaches so that decision makers can be held accountable for such breaches. It looks at the success of administrative law on its ability to provide redress to those adversely affected by unlawful decisions.The regulatory approach focuses accountability based on the institutional design and interaction between different organs of the system such as ombudsmen, parliamentary committee and internal review. The legal approach focuses more on the accountability of the government to the public. In constitutional terms, the regulatory approach addresses it with separation of power whereas the legal approach focuses on the concept of rule of law. Administrative law focuses on the accountability of government.By demanding compliance with administrative law principles, and by valuing review mechanisms for rectifying human error, it impacts upon the decision-making processes in order to ensure that the wrongful exercise of administrative power is curbed. The Australian tax system is an example of how administrative law impacts on bureaucratic behaviour. The tax system, being a self assessment system, encourages ne to voluntarily comply with the tax legislation. Tax compliance officers review the tax returns to identity potential risk to revenue.Wh ere the risks being identified in a review are significant, the tax office will escalate the case to an audit. During an audit, there will be an information request followed by the issuance of a position paper. If the taxpayers realize any errors in their tax returns, they can make voluntary disclosure in order to reduce any shortfall liability and penalty interests. Alternatively they can express their views if there is any contentious issue about the application of law. The taxpayers will be given an opportunity to comment on the position paper before an amended assessment is issued.The taxpayers can object to the amended assessment which is normally handled by the objection team that is independent from the compliance team. If the decision stays, an application can be lodged to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to review the decision. The tax office has internal guidelines such as Practice Statement Law Administration for the staff to follow before any administrative decision i s made. This ensures the taxpayers would be fairly treated. Before a decision is reached, taxpayers will be iven opportunities to be heard and supply information to support their claim.The process demonstrates how the Administrative Law influences the bureaucratic behaviour. The decision-makers need to supply proper reasoning before issuing an amended assessment. What are the positive and negative changes on bureaucratic behaviour? On the positive side, more senior public servants are required to be legally trained as they are expected to make decisions based on strong legal grounds so that their decisions will be less likely to be challenged in future. The decisions being made would also be based on fairness with properly established facts.However, onerous review systems may cause potentially adverse bureaucratic behaviour. The onerous review system may sometimes lead to ‘No further action' on many potential tax evasion cases. The following explains the negative bureaucratic behaviour that is undesirable to the society goal. review the taxpayers' tax return and amend the assessments. The review period could be two or four years depending on the size of the business and the nature of entity. Once the ‘period of review expires, the tax office cannot amend the assessment unless there is fraud or evasion for which intention needs to be established.Knowing this system, some taxpayers may simply delay in supplying information or supplying irrelevant information to make the cases difficult to pursue. By contrast with the private sector for which financial target is the prime objective, the public bureaucrats may not have such incentive to pursue difficult cases that may eventually lead to tribunal review. Further to that, the tax officers need to follow strict guideline when dealing with fraud cases where intention needs to be established. As all elements need to be established before a case can be referred to prosecution, some fraud cases end up being à ¢â‚¬ËœNo further action'.This is undesirable to the societal goal as it means people who dodge the system may not be penalized. Can we Judge the success of Administrative Law as a regulatory tool primarily by its effect on bureaucratic behaviour? As mentioned above, the purpose of the Administrative Law is to make government decision-makers accountable. It promotes the fair procedures and compliance by decisions-makers with legal limitations on their powers. The public can use the merit review system to review the administrative decision of the government. The merit review allows the facts and legal aspects of the decision to be considered afresh.Based on the merits, the tribunal can affirm, vary or set aside the original decision. From a regulatory point of view, an independent body has stepped in to review the government decisions and therefore it limits the power of the bureaucrats. Therefore, the bureaucrats must obtain sufficient evidence and provide sound reasons to support th eir decisions. Furthermore, it encourages government bureaucrats to ensure they act consistently with relevant legal requirements. Based on the above, it appears that one can assert that Administrative Law has achieved its purpose as a regulatory tool that impacts on bureaucratic behaviour.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Network and Telecommunicating in HC

Network and Telecommunicating in HC Hospital medical doctors rely on relevant and reliable medical databases for the professional performance of their medical oath. The research centers on physicians’ exchange of medical research information with other physicians in the community. The research centers on both the drawbacks and expected benefits of data distribution systems. The hospital physicians can choose between distributed data processing and centralized data processing.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Network and Telecommunicating in HC specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Distributed data processing centers. Under this process, different programs have their own databases. Each of the hospitals will have their own separate databases (Http://Ebookee.Org). The doctors in one hospital cannot access the databases from another hospital in the community. Hospital A will have its own database software. In turn, Hospital B will have its own database software. All the other hospitals have their own database software systems. Each hospital’s software does not share the same files with the other hospitals in the community. In a single processor computer, the central processing unit (CPU) and its input /output operations are separated and overlapped (Ozsu, 2011, p. 2). Other examples of distributed data processing include web-based applications, electronic commerce business over the internet, multimedia applications, as well as medical imaging. There are expected benefits from using the distributed data processing system. One of the expected benefits of the system is the implementation of the divide and conquer rule. One can better solve a complicated problem by dividing the problem into segments. Each person or group is assigned to solve one separate segment of the problem at the same time. Each team will contribute its own segment solutions to the entire group. Under the distributed data processing system, the time needed to solve one problem is reduced to allowable time periods. Second, each hospital’s database cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons in another hospital. Since the other hospitals cannot access the database of the other hospitals, the threat of hackers is reduced. Hackers can use software that will detect, delete, or bypass the passwords of a given database. Third, the physicians or hospitals can beneficially use the distributed data processing system for the preparation of confidential financial, medical, and other relevant reports. The physician or hospital can use the same processing system to process payroll, inventory, administrative chores and functions. The system’s program is allied only to one hospital system. Another hospital has its own data processing system (School Graduates to Distributed Data Prcoessing System, 1983, p. 42). There are some drawbacks from implementing the distributed data processing system. One hospital cannot access the required databa se from the other hospitals. For example, Hospital A cannot access the diabetes research database of hospital B. the same Hospital B cannot access the cancer research database of Hospital C. In the same light, hospital D cannot retrieve the required AIDS/ HIV database of Hospital A. Second, some unauthorized persons may use the hospital’s terminals to access classified medical records.Advertising Looking for report on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With the advent of Wi-Fi technology, a hacker can enter the hospital’s website and log on to hospital’s restricted medical database. While inside the hospital’s database software, the hacker can retrieve confidential data, add unauthorized data, edit confidential data, and delete some of the hospital’s confidential and vital hospital patient information. To resolve the hacker threat, the security measures must be in place. The security measures reduce data theft under the distributed data processing system. Proposed transition to centralized data processing model. Under this process, different programs can access the same database source. All the different programs can manipulate data gathered from only one huge central database. The database is shared by all the programs, physicians, and hospitals. Remote computer terminals can access the same database and generate similar reports (Hall, 2012, p. 424). There are expected benefits from implementing the centralized data processing system. First, the use of lesser number of computer systems is involved. The security systems reduce security threats. Under this process, limited security procedures are needed compared to the security measures implemented under the distributed data processing system (McEwen, 1990, p. 15). Second, one hospital can access any required database information from the other seven hospitals in the community. Hospital A c an access the tuberculosis research database of hospital E. Hospital B can access the dentistry research database of hospital F. Hospital G can scrutinize the AIDS research database of hospital H. There are some disadvantages from implementing the centralized data processing system. The centralized data processing system reduces the danger of unauthorized persons leaking information. Stricter data security measures must be in place in the centralized data processing system when compared to the security measures implemented under the distributed data processing system. The stricter security measures include encrypted passwords and security personnel prevent unauthorized persons from entering the computer terminals. Based on the above discussion, medical doctors need relevant and reliable medical databases for their hospital practices. The distributed data processing system has its expected benefits and drawbacks. Similarly, the centralized data processing system has its own unique ex pected benefits and drawbacks. Evidently, the hospital physicians can correctly choose between distributed data processing and centralized data processing for their medical database researches. References Hall, J. (2012). Accounting Information System. New York: Cengage Press.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Network and Telecommunicating in HC specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More McEwen, J. (1990). Cops Nad Computers: Microcomputers in Criminal Justice. New York: Diane Press. Ozsu, M. (2011). Principles of Distributed Database Systems. New York: Springer Press. Business Data Communication, Retrieved from School Graduates to Distributed Data Prcoessing System. (1983). Computerworld , 17Â  (45), 42.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Practical Advice for Point of View Problems - Freewrite Store

Practical Advice for Point of View Problems - Freewrite Store Self-publishing through channels such as Amazon KDP means you can quickly and easily get your novels into the hands of your readers. It takes away that soul-destroying process of collecting rejection letters from publishing houses with limited publishing budgets. It’s great news if you’re an author - and it doesn’t cost anything, either. However, there is a downside. Going down the self-publishing route means that you don’t get the professional editing that traditional publishing entails - which means you either have to pay for a copy editor or edit yourself. Editing your own work is tough - and maybe that explains why there are so many self-published books that have lots of unfortunate errors. One of the more difficult problems to spot in your own writing is problems with your point of view - so in this article, I’m going to take you on a whistlestop tour through three of the most common point of view problems, how to recognize them - and, most importantly, how to fix them. A Quick Refresher on Point of View If you’re an author (or an aspiring author) then you probably already understand what point of view is, but in here’s a brief refresher. Essentially, point of view boils down to asking yourself, as you’re writing â€Å"which character’s eyes am I looking through?†. You can use: the first-person point of view - told in the first person, with one (or more) main character(s) narrating the story - e.g. â€Å"I knew that Damien was trouble the first time I met him.† the third-person point of view - told in the third person (he, she, they), with a viewpoint character narrating the story - e.g. â€Å"Thomas paused in the doorway, anxiously watching Felicity flirting with Damien. There was something off about Damien, Thomas could sense it.† omniscient point of view - the story is told by an omniscient narrator (someone who sees everything) - e.g. â€Å"Felicity was oblivious to Thomas’ discomfort as she twined her arms around Damien’s neck.† multiple points of view - usually in the third person, but sometimes in the first person, you can have multiple viewpoint characters in your story - but the more you have, the more complex your story becomes. 3 Key Point of View Problems - And How to Spot Them There are different types of point of view problems that are commonly found in published novels. The first step in being able to remove these kinds of issues from your fiction is first knowing what they are. 1.  Ã‚   Inconsistent Viewpoints This is, by far, the most common - and most important point of view problem that I come across as a writing coach. It doesn’t just affect new writers - as some ‘experts’ claim, but can affect any writer at any stage in their career. In fact, point of view problems can become habitual for experienced writers - even those who have had mainstream publishing success. For that reason, I’ll be spending more time on this problem than the other two common problems! An inconsistent viewpoint can make your novel seem sloppy and badly written - no matter how masterful your use of language. When you’re writing, viewpoint inconsistencies can easily slip in - especially when you get ‘carried away’ when you’re writing. There are actually quite a few ways that point of view inconsistencies can slip into your stories - more than just things like slipping between past and present tense. We’re going to look in-depth at some of the most common of these, and how to recognize them when you’re editing your novel. Once we’ve chosen a point of view - no matter which we choose - we need to stick to it. The only exception is when we’re using an omniscient point of view, but this type of point of view has fallen out of favor recently. Most viewpoints are known as limited viewpoints - and this means that we can only include the things that the viewpoint character can see, hear, smell, taste, touch, feel and think. When you are writing from one character’s viewpoint, that character can’t know what another character is thinking, for example. Before we dig into the specific types of inconsistencies, here’s an example of how an inconsistent POV can look in a story. When we’ve gone through the types of inconsistencies, come back to this and see how many you can spot! Christy walked briskly along the sidewalk, oblivious to the fact that the creepy guy who had stolen her purse was stalking her. A sudden sound startled her, and she glanced back over her shoulder. She didn’t see the toecap of the man’s left boot poking out of the doorway twenty paces behind her. She shrugged and carried on walking. Her stalker smirked.Stupid kid, he thought, slipping out of the doorway and continuing to follow her. Christy reached the door to her apartment block and went inside, opting to take the stairs up to her third-floor apartment. Michael had told her not to go home until the locks were changed tomorrow, but she couldn’t go into work in the same outfit two days running. It would all be fine. She was sure that whoever found her purse would hand it in to the police. She opened her apartment door and stepped inside, switching on the lights as she entered. The man following her smiled as he watched the door close behind her.Tonight will be fun, he thought, slipping the key he’d taken from her purse into the lock on the door. a.   Attributing emotions to non-viewpoint characters Your viewpoint character cannot know what other characters are feeling unless the other character tells them. This means that you can’t, as the author, tell the reader what a non-viewpoint character feels. This error happens more often than you’d realize - and you most likely would miss it in your own writing if you weren’t specifically looking for it. For example, if you were writing in the third person, from Alex’s viewpoint, and another character (let’s call him) Bob was feeling angry, you might write that â€Å"Bob slammed the door in anger†. That’s a POV inconsistency since although Alex might guess that Bob is angry, he can’t actually know that Bob is angry, therefore can’t be certain that the door was slammed the door in anger - the wind might have caught the door and caused it to slam as Bob was closing it, for example. When you’re editing your novel, watch out for these kinds of phrases - and any other situations where non-viewpoint characters emotions are written about. b.   Attributing motivation to non-viewpoint characters When you’re writing about a non-viewpoint character, it’s really easy to slip into the trap of telling the reader why the character did something. For example, if Ben isn’t a viewpoint character (but Aaron isthe viewpoint character), writing: â€Å"Ben spotted Aaron in the crowd and hurried to meet him,† would be a POV inconsistency. With these kinds of errors, spotting them isn’t easy, unfortunately - especially when you’re editing your own work. With practice, however, you can become more attuned to recognizing them. c.   Telling the reader what a non-viewpoint character thought or saw Your viewpoint character can’t possibly know what another character is thinking or know if a non-viewpoint character saw something that the viewpoint character isn’t able to see. If the viewpoint character can’t see it or know it, then your reader can’t know it either. If you want your reader to have that kind of bird’s eye knowledge, then you need to write from an omniscient point of view. For example, if Jennifer is your viewpoint character and Stefan is a non-viewpoint character, then the following passage would be a viewpoint inconsistency: â€Å"Are you serious?† Jennifer asked. Stefan swallowed.I’ve gone too far, he thought, absently rubbing his fingers over the fidget spinner in his pocket. When you’re editing your novel, you can try using your word processor’s ‘find’ function to search for words like: thought noticed realized wondered believed remembered knew reviewed recalled considered If you want to improve the quality of your fiction, don’t just remove these words for non-viewpoint characters. Since they’re words associated with telling rather than showing, your novel will be better if you show instead of tell (as much as possible). d.   Including items that the viewpoint character doesn’t notice or can’t see This is very similar to the point above about non-viewpoint characters thoughts but takes on a slightly different form. If your character can’t see it, then you can’t write about it - that’s the rule you need to think about when you’re editing your work. For example (the viewpoint character is Zeke): Zeke slid quietly back into his seat, not noticing that Mrs. Magnusson had been watching him the whole time. or: The bus was crowded, but Zeke managed to find an unoccupied seat. He slipped his headphones on. Up ahead, the traffic was at a standstill due to a multi-vehicle accident. It’s easy for these kinds of inconsistencies to go unnoticed, and it takes a trained eye to spot them. However, you could use your word processor’s find function to look for phrases like ‘didn’t notice’ and words like ‘unknowingly’, ‘not realizing’, ‘unconsciously’ and so on. e.   Telling the reader what the viewpoint character looks like Describing what your viewpoint character looks like is a tough one. If you have your character, for example, thinking about their appearance, then this isn’t a POV inconsistency. A POV inconsistency in this area comes about when you’re describing your character as someone else sees them - i.e. from the outside - which your viewpoint character can’t see. This often happens in describing facial expressions, for example: A grimace crossed Bryan’s face Bryan’s face was a mask of fury A smirk crossed Bryan’s face. Fortunately, these kinds of errors are quite easy to spot - and easy to remedy. It’s easy to say instead: Bryan grimaced Bryan scowled Bryan smirked When we grimace, scowl or smirk, we know about it, because it’s an action that we’re performing - we don’t have to see it from the outside to know we’re doing it, therefore this way avoids inconsistency in POV. 2.Too Many Viewpoints Getting the balance right with your viewpoints can be a challenge sometimes. If you have more than one viewpoint character, you have to decide whether they will have equal viewpoint time or whether one character will get more than the others. When you have multiple viewpoints, however, problems can occur - and your novel can become messy and difficult for your readers to follow. I once read a novel that had so many viewpoints - and so many viewpoint changes - that I actually started to feel seasick! The general advice I give to my students is that if you must have multiple viewpoints, keep them to as small a number as possible. Two or three viewpoints is much better - and easier to manage - than four, five or six. When you’re editing your novel, if you find that you’re struggling to keep track of who the current viewpoint character is, then this is a sign that you’re using too many viewpoints (or mishandling the distribution). It’s better to recognize this before you get to the editing stage, however, if you want to save yourself a lot of rewriting. Signs that you have too many viewpoints can include: A complicated narrative that seems too ‘choppy’ (moves around too much) You’ve already written 50,000 words and you’re only a third of the way through your plotline You keep forgetting which viewpoint character you’re writing this scene from Your story feels chaotic and confusing - even to you 3. Badly Chosen Viewpoints You should also be careful with the characters you choose to be viewpoint characters. This is a problem that can be easily sorted before it becomes a problem if you spend time working out which characters are going to be present for the most pivotal moments in your story - and which ones (maximum of two or three) are going to play the most important roles. If you’re more of a seat-of-the-pants kind of writer, and planning doesn’t work for you, then you may find yourself falling victim to a badly chosen viewpoint - and face a large rewriting project as a result. If, for example, you decide that your viewpoint characters are Hayden, Mitch, and Ellis, but Ellis isn’t actually present for your pivotal scene and is actually off on an adventure of his own, then you’re likely to end up with a story within a story that makes for a messy and incoherent overall plotline. Having a badly chosen viewpoint character can lead to problems in structure, focus, cohesion and more. Fixing Point of View Problems If you’ve already written your novel and are in the editing stage, then I’m afraid there’s no quick fix for your point of view problems. Once you spot them, you will have to edit the passages, chapters, or, even, edit out entire viewpoints, until you’ve eradicated the issues. If you’re still in the planning stage or have recently started writing, then you’re in a much better position to stamp out point of view problems in your writing. If you have previous examples of your writing, now is a good time to go over them and see if you can identify any patterns in your point of view problems. POV problems can quickly become habitual for writers - but once you’re aware of them, you can begin to work on eradicating them from your writing. Print out a copy of your story, find a set of highlighters, and go through your story, highlighting inconsistencies in one color (or, if you’re brave, try highlighting the different types of inconsistencies in different colors), evidence of too many viewpoints in another color, and badly chosen viewpoints in another color. Once you can recognize the POV problems that occur most frequently in your writing, you can practice rewriting scenes or passages without the POV problems - until writing that’s free of POV problems becomes habitual.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing plan - Essay Example Thailand workers used the drink for staying awake during their shifts. The drink was known as Krating Daeng translated to ‘Red Bull.’ He contacted the manufacturers of the drink and bought the foreign licensing rights in exchange of 51% share in his company. When Mateschitz launched the drink in Austria, he did not target factory workers; his target market was young professionals as he would be able to promote a premium and trendy marketing campaign. Product Portfolio Initially, only the regular version of Red Bull energy drink was launched. However, several other variants with different specific features were launched with time: Red Bull Energy Drink – The drink is available in 3 size variations, with 16oz, 12oz, and 8oz. It has been designed for those people who have clear and focused mind and want to perform physically well. Red Bull Sugar free – This drink is a variant of the Red Bull energy drink but it is without sugar and hence, contains only 3 calor ies per 100ml. It has the same features as the Red Bull energy drink. Red Bull Cola – This is a relatively new addition to the Red Bull product line. It is claimed to 100% without chemicals consisting of only natural products with all natural taste. Red Bull Energy Shot – A very recent addition to the product portfolio, Red Bull energy shots is concentrated Red Bull Energy drink without carbonation and no requirement of chilling. It comes in small size of 60ml and consists of 27 calories. However, the concentrated 60ml have the ability of providing the same energy as a regular Red Bull can. (Red Bull Energy Drink, n.d.) Strategic position & situation analysis Market Performance & Positioning As mentioned earlier, Red Bull was first introduced in Austria in 1987. It later ventured into foreign markets with the first venture being in Hungary in 1992. The drink is now available in 120 countries with more than 2 billion sales annually acquiring the position of worldâ€℠¢s number one energy drink. The brand has acquired the top position among 15 other brands of energy drinks that are subsidiaries of different beverage or other companies ( staff, 2009). The brand was promoted with a unique and creative style of advertising. The slogan was ‘Red Bull gives you wings’ that not only creates an image in the consumer minds but also suggests physical properties and benefits. Red Bull has been supported with a unique and creative style of advertising. The slogan â€Å"Red Bull gives you wings† strongly suggests the brand’s physical properties and benefits. Red Bull is sold as an energy drink and is designed to combat mental and physical fatigue. It is the combination of ingredients interacting with each other that provides the energy-building benefit. Red Bull operates within the energy drinks sector of the soft drinks market. The product is an example of a 'functional' drink. Functional foods respond to consumer interes t in well-being and performance. The major multinational soft drinks companies are investing in the area of functional drinks, developing their own brands and buying up existing ones. This is seen as being important, given that their traditional soft drinks markets are at the maturity stage in many countries. For these multinationals, new functional drinks offer opportunities for renewed business growth. Positioning The reason why Red Bull was able to accomplish such a huge market share in such little

Friday, November 1, 2019

Product Life Cycle (Response 3) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Product Life Cycle (Response 3) - Assignment Example At the next level, is the life cycle of a specific product form – iPhone 4 -- within this larger product category. Finally, is the brand product life cycle which is given an adjustable managerial approach to keep it in the market at its value. The observed trend in the case of iPhone 4 is expected because the individual brand is the focus of management’s decisions(Hunt,2010). As marketing managers observe changes in the sales of their brands like in the case of iPhone 4, particularly if sales are perceived to be declining, changes are made in one or more elements of the marketing mix. These changes are focused towards offsetting, or reversing, sales declines. If successful, the declining sales trend always corrects itself, at least for a period of time. However, sales will again eventually decline and changes will again be made to some aspect of the marketing program (Hunt,2010). It should be apparent that these ongoing decisions to change elements of marketing programs will cause the trend or sales curves for individual brands to bounce around considerably. However, because the sales curves for many brands are summed to create the life cycle for the associated product form, and the curves for multiple product forms are summed to yield the life cycle for the entire product category, these latter two curves tend to be less erratic. This explains the consistency of iPhone 4 in its